Jan 18, 2012

I am Still Alive

Sorry its been so long....things are CRAZY!!!

We have to be out of the trailer by this Saturday and I am leaving town tomorrow night for the weekend! Not smart thinking on my part! Nothing like making my life alittle crazier then normal!

I will update you next week on the house and how it is all coming along and share some pictures!

Miss Loreli is at work with me today because her sitter needed off. I will have to say she has been angel all day and just doing her own thing...well when I turned around to help a client and turned back....this is what I found!

O Loreli....

Now I have little piece of paper EVERYWHERE...and I can't vacuum because the turd is taking a nap. I will just get to it tomorrow!

Hope everyone has a great rest of the week and weekend!


Adrien said...

Loreli! Bahaha...what a mess!

I can't wait to see house pictures! Have you been taking before and afters?

Jackie said...

She is crazy!

Yes I have been!!!