Oct 28, 2011


So I called FedEx this morning because I did not have a tracking number and they told me it's out for delivery! So in a few hours I will have this in my hands!

So I promise I will do a weekend recap with some sweet new pictures! WHOOP WHOOP!!!!

Also, how about them CARDINALS!!!!! I fell asleep in the middle of the game and woke up for the 9th inning and the rest of the game and I am glad I did...other then I couldn't sleep! LOL!!!!

I am not gonna lie I would love to be downtown tonight....but that will not happen!!!

Also....wanted to say Happy Birthday to Tina (Eli's mom), my Grandma who turned 86 (amazing) and my Grandpa Clem they were yesterday and what a great day to celebrate!!!! They are all so wonderful and I am so lucky to have them in my life!!!!

Hope everyone has a great weekend and LET'S GO CARDS!!!!!

Oct 27, 2011

Merry Christmas & Happy Birthday to Me!!!!

So as of last night I am a proud owner of this bad boy!

I have been wanting a camera for along time and we got a great deal on this....I got 2 lenses with it, the 18-70mm and 70-300mm, the bag and some other stuff!!!

It is being shipped to me so I am hoping to have it by Monday and I can use it for Halloween!!! I can't wait to dive in and learn all about it!!!


I was gonna make this purchase but Eli told me that he would buy it and it would be my Christmas and Birthday present...totally ok with that!!!


EEEK....I feel like alittle school girl!!!!

Oct 26, 2011

I think Santa is gonna have a long list this year!

Yesterday I got the mail and I got the Toys R Us Big Book...I set it down on the counter and with in 2 seconds Loreli grabbed it and took it to her chair to check things out....I think she looked at that book for 20 minutes....just paging through and saying uohs and ahhs...it was so stinking cute!!!!


It's been alittle crazy around our house this past weekend and week.

Friday we found out that Loreli had beginning stages of pneumonia. We had to go and get xrays done and all the good stuff. We have to give her breathing treatments and some other meds! So with finding all of the out and if you remember my Tahoe decided to punker out on me that morning, the fuel pump went out and we had to replace it...I didn't got to the sex toy party....I guess there will always be another one!

Saturday we were celebrating Grandma's birthday.....we all had a blast...Loreli loved seeing her cousins. (she was not contagious, PTL) It was a great day and night....I have no pictures....sorry!

Sunday we took it easy and just did some grocery shopping and then headed out to the shop to see what dad was doing....well we weren't there 5 minutes and Loreli took a pretty good fall....her poor little head is all I have to say! She cried for about 2.5 seconds and wanted to go play again.

We headed home after she played alittle more with the twins I told her it was bath time and she went running...she love its! Here is a pic of what her head looks like!

I decided to give her a breathing treatment in the tub....and she wanted to hold it...even better!

She got to go back to the sitter on Monday and she was super excited to see Jenny! She is still on breathing treatments and doing really good...so hopefully we can kick this crap!

Hope everyone had a great weekend!

Oct 21, 2011

Confession Friday!

Its been an interesting morning/week for me so have stuff to get off my chest!!!

I confess that my Tahoe is a PIECE OF SHIT.....I am so over it and want something new but that won't happen for awhile because we are ass deep in it!!!! UGH....not a good morning!!!!

I confess that if I wasn't such a brat I wouldn't have this POS but Momma had to have a SUV....kicking my self for that now! DUMB....

I confess that my camera is a POS too.....I need one so bad, but know that I shouldn't go and get a new one, because of the money and I am sure Eli won't let me either, since Christmas is just around the corner.

I confess that my baby has been sick all week and today we are gonna go and get chest ex rays.....so ready for her to be better and back to normal!!!

I confess that my house is a pigsty and I can't stand it....I just want it to clean its self...its just to the point I don't even want to go home to see it and I don't have the energy to do it either!

I confess that I could have done all of the cleaning on Tuesday on my day off but I decided to play with Loreli instead because I haven't had a free Tuesday in over a month!

I confess that I am so sick of cakes and baking......I have seen enough cake to last me a good month or so!!!

I confess that I have been MIA from my diet and working out and I can tell that I have gained weight....UGH I hate fat why does it have to exist?

I confess that I am crabby this morning if you can't tell and I am sorry for that...like I said just a bad morning/week!

ok ok  I will get off my soap box...

I confess that I have started thinking about Loreli's 2nd Birthday already....is that bad?...

I confess that I think her birthday theme might be Thomas theTrain or Hot Wheels....let just say I have a tomboy on my hands....unless its ok to use the same theme as her 1st Birthday??? Mickey Mouse

I confess that Loreli has slept with her Hot Wheels....see what I mean!!!

I confess that my family is celebrating my Grandma's 86th Birthday tomorrow and I so excited! I just think my Grandma is amazing!

I confess that I am going to a Sex Toy party tonight and I have never been to one!....I know I know where have I been the last few years but just have never been invited to one! If you want to come...its at Lynne Nagel's house and anyone is welcome, starts at 7!!!

I confess that I am gonna end it here because I have done enough bitching for one day...

Hope everyone has a great weekend and a blast at Heather's Party...sounds like its gonna be a great weekend weather wise!!!

Oct 18, 2011

It's been awhile...

Hello everyone.....sorry I have been MIA for a few weeks....but my life should be back to normal now...well at least my normal!!!!

I will update some of what we did while I was MIA but figured I would just start from this weekend!!!

Friday I stayed home with Loreli and worked on my cakes for Saturday's wedding.....Eli went to the Card's game with a friend!!!

Saturday I was up bright and early and so was the rest of the household....I got Loreli ready to and her and Eli took off for the Flea Market so I could work on the cakes and get them set up!

I headed to Ruma to set the cake up around 1ish.....it took me alot longer then what I thought it would!...It was a big cake and I didn't have much to work with so it was what it was!
After I finally got it up and was okay with it...2 hours later...I headed home to relax alittle bit before we were on the run again to get my glasses in Fairview (story to come later).

We left the house about 5ish to head to up there...I grabbed my glasses and then we did alittle running around and decided to eat at Houlihans because we were both craving Baked Potato Soup......but were so disappointed because it was not like it normally is...BOO!!!!! We ate and Loreli was getting antsy so we headed home! Got Loreli ready for bed but her down and looked over and Eli was sleeping too! I sat in the recliner for a bit and then decided to meet my Mom and some friends at he office. It was so much fun and a night of no worries.....plus when I woke up on Sunday....no hangover! Whoop Whoop!!!

Sunday I was up early to work on another cake that had to be in Chester at 10:30. Eli and Loreli decided to come along so we could meet some friends at Pioneer's Cabin! After I got the cake up and talked for a bit we headed to Willisville...Loreil fell asleep right as we got there....out friends weren't there yet so we went for alittle drive so she could sleep for a bit longer!!!

About 20 minutes are so the called and said they were almost there! Let just say it did not disappoint....it was so yummy!!!! Last time I had the cabin I was pregnant....so its been awhile! WE played outside the cabin for a bit...Lynne got the brown bag special to go and dropped it and the gravy went everywhere....but no worries they replaced it!!!!

We headed back to Red Bud to go to the Pumpkin Patch and pick some pumpkins!  I called my Mom so she could join us and I could take advantage of her camera because mine is POS!!!!! We had so much fun and Loreli loved it!!!

Daddy would throw her up and she would just giggle!

She loves her some Thomas!

I's coming Daddy.....wait for me!!!

Dad thought it was pretty funny....Mommy not so much!
Pickin' her first Pumpkin!

The field was a little rough for little ones!

I wanted a green one and I got a big one!!!

Miss Independent thought she need to pull the wagon!!!!

She cracks me up sometimes!

Feeding the little devil some corn!
Alittle lady bug from the Balloon Lady

Don't touch it!

After we left the Pumpkin Patch we headed home and all vegged out!....Loreli went to bed early and so did Mommy!

Hope everyone had a great weekend!!!!