Sep 16, 2011

Confession Friday

Might as well get to it.....

I confess that I feel like I have been living in a world is just so crazy lately and I have a feeling its not gonna get any better anytime soon!

So I confess that on Wednesday when I got to work I did this....
and then when I told Eli I did that he told me that I shouldn't have...LOL...whoops! I just think its best!

I confess that I seen the pictures on Facebook last night of the little outing some bloggers had and was really jealous!!!! Then I seen Cassie's blog today and was SUPER jealous! Looks like you girls had lots of fun!!!!

I confess that I want to go to Evansville Day's Saturday night with my partner in crime Amanda!

I confess that I have 2 cakes for tomorrow and have yet to start on them...its gonna be a long night!

I confess that on Monday I start working out with Darla...I think its what I need! I need someone to kick my ASS!!!

I confess that seeing all of these babies being born I want to scrapbook them...even though they are not mine...but I just loved doing Loreli's baby book! (If you want Mom's...I will make you something super cute if you give me the joke I love making picture things for people!) Weird I know!

I confess that this just put a smile on my face this morning and I have been a happy camper all day because of it!
Sorry its alittle dark...but what can I say I just love my baby girl!
Hope everyone has a good weekend!

Sep 13, 2011

The Envelope System...Update!

OK so do you remember this post (below)?... I posted it on 7/13/11.

I would like to announce that I have.....


I just made the last payment today!....I am so proud of myself because now I can start saving for the camera that I want!...I have started alittle savings account for vacation too....I have put alittle in there but I can help it even more!


So I was reading Adrian's blog yesterday and I really got to thinking that I need to do this. I feel like I blow my money on stupid stuff all the time and then I am out of it! Eli and I split bills so I just pay him a set amount every month and then what is left over is mine to do whatever with. So with the money that is left evey month I am gonna try the envelope system. Eli thinks that it will be a good for me too!

Goal #1
I want to get my CC paid off so that I can cut it up! Its not bad but I just have not been working on it like I should be! This is my top one!


 Goal #2

A Nikon D3100...I have had my eye on this baby for alittle while. I asked for a camera for Mother's day but I got a disposible one. So I will just have to get it myself! I love taking pictues and the camera that I have now is on its last leg..and that is just not an option to not have a camera expecially with goal #3!

 Goal #3

We are going on vacation next year and I would like to have some extra money for the trip! I think that it's gonna be a gerat one...its an Aubuchon Family Vacation!

So I get paid on Monday the 18th and I am gonna start then! I will try to keep you updated as much as I can but I think that it will be a long learning process for me! I am just so use to swiping plastic!

WISH ME LUCK!!!...(I am gonna need all the help I can get!)

Weekend Wrap up!

So it was crazy weekend for me....I think I was running around like a chicken with its head chopped off the whole time!

Friday after work I run around getting the last items for the silent auction for Saturday. When I got home I got ready in about 5 minutes and headed to Tequila's to meet Eli's family for supper...the grand aunts were in town and wanted to see Loreli! We had a great time and it was so nice to see everyone!

Saturday I was up bright and early and got over to Sporto's to start setting up for the benefit. It was alittle crazy trying to get the silent auction set up and then people coming in to sign up...make the and so on! I think we got everything set up and everything settled down around 1..I ran home got cleaned up and headed back. Eli decided to take Loreli on the bike poker run with his new toy he got at at yard sale that morning...and I don't have a picture of it...but its the little wagon thing you put behind your bike....he got it $30 and it was maybe used twice they said....DEAL!

I got back and people statrted getting back so things were picking ended up being a great night. We raised about $5000 for Tucker...I thought that was pretty good!

Sunday got up and started working on Carson's birthday cake....It took alittle longer then I thought but got the job ready and headed over to the Moll's. It was great to see are some pictures of the day!

Here is the cake....

Birthday Boy

Loreli loved the slide and Craig too...she had so much fun!

Teaching her bad

Throwing cars down the slide
After we left the party we headed to Tim and Jenny's to pick up Daddy...he went to the Rams game. We went to eat at The Office and came home...I had cakes to do so I was back in the kitchen and everyone else headed to bed!

It was a nonstop weekend...I seem to have a lot of them for some reason! Hoping this coming weekend is alittle less crazy...but have to get through the crazy week first...I think I have 5 cake for the week/weekend.....

Sep 7, 2011

Kansas Weekend!

You might want to grab a snack and a drink...its gonna be a long one!!! We decided to go visit my sister this weekend...
Friday Eli called me at work and decided that he wanted to leave Friday night instead of Saturday Morning...of course I had nothing I got home and pretty much just threw a bunch of stuff in our bags and we left!!! Got on the road..we had to drop DeJa off at Aunt Sarah..

Both of the babies were happy campers!

By the time we left Sarah and got going it was about was gonna be a 5 hour drive. As long as Loreli was good in the car we were gonna try and make it through. W stopped about an hour before getting to Mandy's to take ma potty break and grab something to drink...well Loreli woke up and was bright eyed and bushy tailed.

She stayed awake till we got there and was wound up...running everywhere and playing with the dog...It was alittle wild to try and get her back to sleep. Pretty sure I fell asleep before she did!

Saturday I was up bright and early for what ever reason...Loreli got up too and we went down stairs to eat some breakfast and say Hi to everyone! We let Daddy sleep in a bit. We planned on going out and getting pictures taken at this sunflower field. Once everyone was up we all got ready and headed was about half hour from their house. You can read about the sunflower field is pretty cool!

Papa was pretty excited to take Loreli and Kilee's pictures. Kilee was getting her senior pictures taken and Loreli was getting 18 months taken! It was HOT and the sun was so bright but we just did it and got it done! Here are a few of my favorites!....I wanted family pictures but Loreli wasn't having it and we were squinting so bad from the sun so guess you just have to work with what you got! Enjoy!

See what I mean about the family pictures...great ones of Loerli but no so much of us...o well!

After we got back from the sunflower field we just hung out and enjoyed each others company..some of us even took naps! LOL!
It was getting to be supper time and the whole day The Nolan's were so excited about this but wouldn't tell us what we were having. They had something up their sleeves...I figured it out before we sat down to eat but kept it a secret for everyone else....So I got the camera out because I knew it would be priceless...especially with PaPa...he is a plain jane eater! Mandy had everyone sit down and the table was covered with newspaper and no dishware...PaPa was alittle freaked out and so was GG! Chadd came in with the stock pot and just dropped the fixin's on the table and PaPa eyes got huge and everyone was just laughing!

Loreli loved it...well everyone did! She started shoving food in her mouth and by the third piece she was feeling the heat...she spit the food out and was like OMG my tongue is on fire...only in baby words! We got her tongue cooled down and gave her some ravioli but she was still about the the other food and would put it in her mouth and then just spit it back was so so funny!

After supper we got everything cleaned up and then chilled out for a bit. It was so nice rained alittle so it cooled off. Eli and I decided to hit the outlet mall about 15 minutes from the Nolen's house. GG said that she would watch Loreli...we had a great time just us and walking around looking at he shops and going in and out! When we got home GG said that she just put Loreli down so Dad run up real quick to see if she was still awake so he could get some kisses! She was so we hung out for a bit then we all hit the sack!

Sunday we all got up and had some breakfast and then just hung out till Lunch...Grandpa and Grandma Thomas were coming for lunch and to visit! It was nice to see had been along time! Seth made lunch for everyone and it was awesome....I am not big on pork chops but after that...I think I could eat them all the time now...Seth made some pretty awesome rubs! After lunch Loreli took a nap...and she seemed to be sleeping alittle longer then normal...didn't think to much of just thought she must have been catching up on sleep! PaPa and GG were getting ready to head home and I was packing up....Loreli woke up and she was wet the bed was wet so I got her stripped down to her diaper and sure enough she had diarrhea. Eli got her in the tub...she was really fussy and warm....ugh! We threw all her stuff in the washer...we waited till that got done and then headed out...we couldn't decide if wanted to head home or check out downtown....Loreli seemed to be feeling alittle better so we decided to check things out. It ended up being a big cluster fuck and it was not happy time with us....ugh!!!! We decided to just stop and eat...we stopped at Longhorn and Loreli was acting alittle weird still. She wouldn't eat nothing...but she was still playing. The waiter gave us our salads and then all of a sudden Loreli was puking...all over her, me and the table. It was bad! I grabbed her put a towel over her mouth and headed to the bath room. I stripped her down and stuck her in the sink to wash off. It was CRAZY!!!!! I had 2 people come in and ask me if they could help and also had a worker come in and give me towels and wash cloths. Eli went and got different cloths for Loreli and I cleaned myself up the best I could. We got changed and back to the table...Loreli was acting like her self again...eating, playing taking to everyone. I was so happy to see she was feeling better! Eli said that we are just gonna get the 1st hotel we see...Loreli needed a bath and so did Mommy! The restaurant was great..helped us out so much with everything...there are still nice people out there! We finished up and then headed to Holiday Inn! We got checked in and got in the tub ASAP! After Loreli was done...Eli got her ready for bed and I got in the shower...when I got out Loreli was laying on the bed...this is not my baby girl.

Monday when she woke up she was still alittle warm but feeling better she was all over the place and was eating. We decided to go to the KC was a great day and so beautiful outside! We got everything packed up and headed out!

Once we got there it was crazy packed....I don't think I have seen that many people at the STL Zoo before!

I got the tickets and Eli parked and we headed in!

It was alittle different then the STL was so spaced out and not much to see...but we did it and had a great day! I think we walked like 10 miles...OMG my dogs were barking! I think Loreli really enjoyed her self...she was pointing and laughing and loving all the animals...she now roars like a tiger and its so stinkin cute! Here are some pictures from the zoo...I won't go on and on about all of them since this post is forever long!

We thought it would be funny to get Loreli's picture taken next to Budda with her belly!...We just said Loreli where is your belly!

People watching

She loved the kangaroos

we were really close to them!

She loved to point at the animals and talk to them!

She loved the kitty cats!

This was a swinging bridge..Loreli loved it and momma almost ate some wood trying to take a picture!

Like I said it was  a great day and Loreli crashed out!

She slept almost the whole way...she woke up about an hour and half away from home. She seen the GPS on the windshield and I guess thought it was a tv because she wanted we let her watch it!

We stopped by Aunt Sarah's to pick up DeJa...ate some yummy supper and visited for a bit and then headed home! Eli and I both were off on Tuesday...we pretty much just took it easy and enjoyed the day! Tuesday night was the season premiere of Sons of Anarchy...OMG I love that show! I can't wait till next Tuesday now! It was back at it for all of us today and no one wanted to get up and get going! We all did but it was alittle rough and I think we were all late to work! O well!

Hope everyone one had a great weekend...this one is gonna be another crazy one for me!