Jul 29, 2011

Confession Friday

Well it has been alittle bit of a crazy week for us but nothing new and the weekend looks the same because we have the co-ed tournament.....

I confess that when I did the blog about  Barbie and Ken....that I got in trouble from Eli because I revealed what the trophy was gonna be before he sent it out to the teams....I didn't think that it would be that big of a deal!

I confess that this is what the beer drinkn' trophy ended up looking like and it kinda cracks me up
I have a feeling that there will be alot of beer drinkn this weekend to win this bad boy! BAHAHA

I confess that yesterday I found out that my cousin is moving her wedding up to this year instead of next year and the day she picked is the same day that Eli competes in a rock crawling event and its his birthday weekend. I feel so bad because we had this family weekend planed so that Loreli could watch him and I had to tell him that I can't because I am in the wedding and Eli was really upset about it....but thank goodness for Grandpa Robbie and Grandma Tina...they have saved the weekend and are gonna take her to watch him! PTL (totally taking that from you Cassie)...but is a big PTL!!!!!

I confess that since the wedding is moved up my happy fat ass has to jump on the band wagon to lose some weight so that I don't look like a big old cow in a dress...I have about 2 months to lose about 30 lbs!....probably not gonna happen but I can work my hardest!

I confess that Jillian Michaels is gonna become my new friend that I will probably end up hating! 30lbs in 30 days here I come!

I confess that I am gonna try and make myself walk every night....I mean I love to walk and I have a sweet stroller so why don't I use it...idk because I have been lazy and that is all there is too it!

I confess that I am really gonna try and work on my eating habits too!....Goal...to look good in a dress, I have to keep telling myself that!!!

I confess that we did a grocery run in our pj's last night and got busted by Sarah ....I just had to get one thing and I wasn't gonna change me and Loreli.

I confess that I am ready for the weekend to start and be over...its gonna be a long one!

I confess that I am going to a party tonight and gonna play bunco....kinda excited so that I am not a virgin at our blogger bunco night! Whoop Whoop!!!

I think that I am gonna leave it there...I have Lion's Club letters calling my name that I need to get stuffed and put int he mail....toodles everyone!!

Jul 27, 2011

Barbie and Ken

So yesterday Miss Loreli was everywhere and I could not keep track of her at all....I found her on the kitchen table playing with Babrie and Ken...you ask why do you have Barbie and Ken on the kitchen table...this is why! Every year for the co-ed tournament Eli makes a beer drinking trophy...I know it sounds crazy but its pretty amazing what people will do to win this silly little trophy. This year he has came up with the idea of Barbie doing a keg stand and Ken holding her up....I can't wait till he gets done with it...it should look pretty cool! So anyway back to the story after I found her on the kitchen table I decided that she can just play with them on the floor....she played forever with them. Then that night Eli said that she played with them again. He told me he feels bad about making them into a trophy if Loreli wants to play with them. So I am thinking I will be making a trip to the store to buy a Barbie and Ken

She was trying to make her walk.

Look mom!


Sorry about the no cloths but that is how we roll at home alot....a naked baby makes for a happy baby!!!

Jul 25, 2011

Men's Time...or Eli's Time???

Saturday night after we got home from TV shopping Eli went over and helped my Dad set it up. After he was done we had this conversation!

10:12PM...Eli text me and says he will be home N a little bit
10:39PM...I text Eli and say N a little bit @ 10:12...it's now 10:40
10:40PM...Eli text back and says okay okay...on my way...putting gas in your Tahoe
10:41PM...I text back well I didn't know..a little bit is normally like 10 minutes
10:42PM...Eli says U know my little bit...LOL
10:42PM...I answer back True
11:02PM...he walks in the door...

Are all men like this or just mine.....I mean if I said Ill be home in alittle bit and I wasn't home with in 10 minutes are so I am getting a phone call...and it has happened to before!

Just Another Weekend

Well it was just a relaxing weekend and not much went on....

Friday night we met the group at Tequila's for Dustin's Birthday but to our surprise Dustin and Crystal had an announcement for us....THEY ARE EXPECTING!!!! Baby Liefer is due February 9th! Congrats to them!!! We had a great night with friends....Loreli was a crazy baby so we went home alittle early and the rest went to The Liefer's to celebrate!

I know who lets their kid eats chips and salsa...we do she LOVES it!

"I m not doing anything wrong Mom"

"I think I want some of your beans Mom"


Watching some Mickey Mouse with Tara

Got some baby time

We still had to get Dustin with a little birthday song!

Saturday we didn't do much at all other then lay around out the house all afternoon and then the evening went TV shopping with my dad. We found a TV pretty fast and then ate alittle something at Hooter's...

 on our way home we stopped and grabbed some ice cream in Smithon and it was so yummy!

For some reson Thomas is her new favorite thing....other then Mickey!

Sunday we went and ate brunch with Robbie and Tina at Tequila's and then went and visited with them afterwards.

Don't mess with my food!


This is so good Dad...Thanks!

They are leaving for Mexico so they needed some Loreli time! That afternoon I ran out to Mom's to proof read her Australia album before she ordered and then went home and just want movies on TV with Eli and Loreli.

Like I said not much of a weekend but sometimes you just need them! Hope everyone had a great one! Next weekend should be a little more exciting!

Jul 22, 2011

excitement in the Prairie last night....

OK so I know I have been a really bad blogger lately and I promise I will do better next week, its just been one of them weeks if you know what I mean...but I wanted to share this with you because I thought it was pretty crazy/kinda of funny too. My Mom emailed this to me this morning....

We had a crazy evening at our house last night... 

Around 12:30, Rick got out of bed and I realized too that I heard banging- just didn't wake me up until he got up.  At first, Rick thought maybe a friend for Dustin was there, but then Dustin came upstairs to see what was going on.

Rick turned on the front light to see if anyone was there, but there wasn't anyone.  But what happened was the guy left, and when he seen the light on he came back to the door.  Rick could tell that guy was drunk or high, so he never opened the door, but the guy was asking to let him in.  He needed someone to pull him out of the ditch.  Rick just told him we would call for help. 

I dialed 911.  I was still in the bedroom when I heard Dustin say "He just got in my blazer"  Ironically enough, I just crabbed at Dustin when he got home from work about not leaving his keys in his vehicle and about locking up.  The guy left with Dustin's vehicle and drove it over to where his car was in the ditch, between our house & Dave & Judy's. 

Not sure what he thought he was going to do, but then he parked the SUV again, and came to the front door begging to let him in.  When Rick wouldn't let him in, he got vulgar, then left and took off with Dustin's vehicle again.  He drove down to Siever's (they were out of town.. what a bummer.  It would have been funny if he would have knocked on Ralph's door, Ralph is the game warden) and then over to Dave & Judy's house, but not sure that he ever got out of the vehicle.  He drove back over to where his wrecked vehicle was- and finally a cop got there.  Seemed like an eternity!  We were walking and moving from window to window in the house without the lights on trying to keep track of him!

2 more cops arrived and by the time we felt it was safe to go outside, the guy was handcuffed.  We just stayed by the house, we didn't want the guy to see us.  We could see car parts in our driveway, but wasn't sure what had happened.

After they hauled him off, we had to all write written reports about what we seen.  Dustin moved his car back in the driveway and then the wrecker pulled the car out   The guy actually hit our culvert (which deploted the air bags), crossed our driveway, then through our ditch on the south side (how he missed the mailbox and the light pole is amazing), and then went across the road into Wegener's corn field.  Looks like he tried to drive around out there, and then tried to back out onto the road, but got stuck in the ditch.  But this is what it looks like, we don't know for sure.  There was parts of his car hanging off (or gone) in the front, the back, and the bottom!  And with the air bags deployed, the car was a mess.

Needless to say, it was a sleepless night.  Hard to go back to sleep after something like this happens outside your window.  Rick left this morning for Stanberry for his folk's auction.   Rick wasn't very happy about leaving me alone all week-end after that craziness!  I'm just so glad that Rick never opened the door for him, but just talked to him through it.  We did note that this was the 5th time in 12 years that someone has been in our front ditch.  I'm not sure how much more the culvert will be able to take.  We actually pulled some large part of the car that was lodged out of the culvert!

We were told the guy's name was Mike Young, from Red Bud, born in 1978.  But I don't recognize anything about him.  Sounds like he's been in plenty of trouble in the past.  The cop commented that the car was actually registered to his ex-wife and he would go visit her at Handee Mart when she started working at 5am.

Just thought I would share with you all in case you hear about it or in the paper next week.  Hope you are all doing well :)  We are doing fine, just a little sleep deprived!

So pretty crazy don't you think....Rick is not big on living in the country so that is why he is so worried about leaving Mom at home...we are just use to it! Mom later told me that when Dustin came up the stairs that he went and got his baseball bat to give to Rick, just in case the guy would have got in. I told mom that I was pretty impressed with Dustin and his quick thinking!

Hope everyone had a great weekend and nothing crazy happens to you!

Jul 15, 2011

Confession Friday

Let just get to it.....

I confess that I have had a soda almost everyday this week and alittle snack to go with it...nothing like working on the diet.

I confess that I really don't care about my diet right now which is bad because I need to lose some of this lard ass! I thought trying on dresses would get me motivated but that was a negative...I wish it would have! I wish I was motivated like I use to be!

I confess that Lynne and I are getting a team together for the Blossom City Olympics and are super excited but we still need to find some team members and come up with a team name!

I confess last night we went out to eat with my dad and Loreli was the worst she has ever been in a restaurant...I thought I was gonna lose it! Maybe it was because Daddy wasn't there to help! (He normally takes on the feeding and restaurant duty)

I confess that 2 years ago today that I thought I was pregnant and I was scared to death! Then on Sunday I made what I thought a fact!
Thank goodness for my wonderful boyfriend because he was so amazing and so happy about it and I was freaked out!

I confess that I am leaving work at noon and heading to STL to scrapbook for 72 hours! I love my scrapboooking weekends!

Hope everyone has a good weekend...I know that mind is gonna be filled with friends, family and lots of uncontrollable laughs!

Jul 13, 2011

The Envelope System

So I was reading Adrian's blog yesterday and I really got to thinking that I need to do this. I feel like I blow my money on stupid stuff all the time and then I am out of it! Eli and I split bills so I just pay him a set amount every month and then what is left over is mine to do whatever with. So with the money that is left evey month I am gonna try the envelope system. Eli thinks that it will be a good for me too!

Goal #1
I want to get my CC paid off so that I can cut it up! Its not bad but I just have not been working on it like I should be! This is my top one!


 Goal #2

A Nikon D3100...I have had my eye on this baby for alittle while. I asked for a camera for Mother's day but I got a disposible one. So I will just have to get it myself! I love taking pictues and the camera that I have now is on its last leg..and that is just not an option to not have a camera expecially with goal #3!

 Goal #3

We are going on vacation next year and I would like to have some extra money for the trip! I think that it's gonna be a gerat one...its an Aubuchon Family Vacation!

So I get paid on Monday the 18th and I am gonna start then! I will try to keep you updated as much as I can but I think that it will be a long learning process for me! I am just so use to swiping plastic!

WISH ME LUCK!!!...(I am gonna need all the help I can get!)

Jul 11, 2011

Weeekend Wrap up once again!!!

Well it was a pretty relaxing weekend for the most part which was really nice!

Friday Eli had to work so it was just me and Loreli we had dinner,

played for a bit and then it was bed time for Miss Loreli and I decided to watch a few movies...seems to be my trend on Friday night. Eli asked me if I was addicted to Redbox and I said no, but it's something to do while you are at home and your kid is sleeping! Anyway I watch Love and Other Drugs not bad of a movie at all and I watch Black Swan....I thought it was awesome!!!

Saturday I got up and got Loreli ready because she was spending the day with Grandpa Robbie and Grandma Tina. Eli was helping a friend put on a roof and  I had to work in the morning then I was going to go meet my cousin to go dress shopping! We met at Tequila's in Columbia for lunch and then headed to David's Bridal in Sunset Hills. Gina had already looked at dresses online so she kinda new what she wanted us girls to try on. They had it in stock so we all got to try it on to see if we liked it. The first one we tried on we all loved, the lady suggested that we try on other ones just in case but we came back to the first one.
The one that I am wearing is the one we picked!

Josie and Jordan loved trying on all the dresses!
I was thinking it was gonna take awhile to try on all the dresses but it wasn't bad at all I think it took like 30 minutes! I was excited! After that we went and looked at flowers, Gina is gonna make all the flower arraignments...she is super crafty like that! While I was on my way home I called Eli to see if he was done or not and he said he was still out there bullshitting with the guys so I decided to head out there. I got there and Crystal was there too. So us girls hung out in the house with the baby and the guys well they were outside blowing up things....sparkler bombs! It was very entertaining for them! Lynne showed up and we talked Hammie into coming outside and enjoying the weather with us. Adain was sleeping so I told her to get the monitors out...I taught her a few Mommy tricks! We just hung out for the night, drank some wine and talked! It was nice and relaxing!

Sunday I got up went and picked up Loreli for Grandpa and Grandma's and headed  to church, Loreli and I had to greet! After that we went home and got Daddy and met Grandpa Tim at the Tequila's for their buffet...it as awesome like always! After that we came home and did nothing but lay around on the couch, played, and watch TV.
She thought she needed to try on Daddy's shoes...it was so cute!

I looked down and she found the brush for DeJa and thought she would just do it...super cute!

We got addicted to Auction Hunters and watch the marathon till we had to go to my Moms for dinner! We were celebrating Theresa's birthday! We had some yummy food and just chatted for awhile and then it was time to go...Loreli had had enough and was ready for bed! We got home and all pretty much crashed!

It was a great relaxing weekend with not much planned which was nice because the next few weekends are gonna be crazy for us! Hope everyone had an awesome weekend too!

Jul 8, 2011

Confession Friday

Well its that time again....

I confess that I have had my hand in the candy jar way to much this week. I have had a sweet tooth like no other for some reason!

I confess that I had an Rolo McFlurry Wednesday night and last night and it was amazing...I may just have another one tonight! OMG I can taste it right now!

I confess that I need to get back with it on my weight goal and get back to excising but I have had no motivation what so ever...ugh! As you can see from the first two post that's not helping me. I am in a wedding next September and so that is my goal to get is off by then!

I confess that Loreli has like 5 different diaper bags that are all 31 and I just bought another one that is 31!..I think that I have a problem! I just love them bags so much and it was a great deal this month!

I confess that next week I am at the office all by myself and I have a feeling I will be doing alot of photo organization to get ready for the big scrapbooking weekend! I can't wait!!!!

I confess that I am going dress shopping with my cousin this weekend and I am super excited....I don't know why because everyone knows that I am not a big wedding person, I haven't quite figured it out yet!

I confess that I sent this email to to my friends right before Fireman's picnic weekend and laughed my A$$ of about it!
This is just a reminder of what happens about 7 weeks after Fireman's Picnic if you decided to do the deed...4 weeks you will probably figure it out which is Fults Tournament! Ha nothing like remembering your baby with softball!
The writing was small and under the picture. It's a yearly joke with us and well lots of people because everyone knows when Loreli was conceived! But I think that what was so funny is that almost all the girls thought that it was a new ultra sound and that I had a bun in the oven....It was a great laugh for me!

Well I think Iam gonna leave it there for now....Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Just like Mommy

Last night I sat down at the table to fill some paper work out and Loreli was at my side wanting to get up in the chair so I put her in her chair and gave her a piece of paper so she could do what Mommy is doing! She just cracks me up...monkey see monkey do, but I love it!