Jul 25, 2011

Just Another Weekend

Well it was just a relaxing weekend and not much went on....

Friday night we met the group at Tequila's for Dustin's Birthday but to our surprise Dustin and Crystal had an announcement for us....THEY ARE EXPECTING!!!! Baby Liefer is due February 9th! Congrats to them!!! We had a great night with friends....Loreli was a crazy baby so we went home alittle early and the rest went to The Liefer's to celebrate!

I know who lets their kid eats chips and salsa...we do she LOVES it!

"I m not doing anything wrong Mom"

"I think I want some of your beans Mom"


Watching some Mickey Mouse with Tara

Got some baby time

We still had to get Dustin with a little birthday song!

Saturday we didn't do much at all other then lay around out the house all afternoon and then the evening went TV shopping with my dad. We found a TV pretty fast and then ate alittle something at Hooter's...

 on our way home we stopped and grabbed some ice cream in Smithon and it was so yummy!

For some reson Thomas is her new favorite thing....other then Mickey!

Sunday we went and ate brunch with Robbie and Tina at Tequila's and then went and visited with them afterwards.

Don't mess with my food!


This is so good Dad...Thanks!

They are leaving for Mexico so they needed some Loreli time! That afternoon I ran out to Mom's to proof read her Australia album before she ordered and then went home and just want movies on TV with Eli and Loreli.

Like I said not much of a weekend but sometimes you just need them! Hope everyone had a great one! Next weekend should be a little more exciting!

1 comment:

sblind2 said...

YAY for Dustin and Crystal!! At first I thought of Dustin as in your brother Dustin....