Sep 16, 2011

Confession Friday

Might as well get to it.....

I confess that I feel like I have been living in a world is just so crazy lately and I have a feeling its not gonna get any better anytime soon!

So I confess that on Wednesday when I got to work I did this....
and then when I told Eli I did that he told me that I shouldn't have...LOL...whoops! I just think its best!

I confess that I seen the pictures on Facebook last night of the little outing some bloggers had and was really jealous!!!! Then I seen Cassie's blog today and was SUPER jealous! Looks like you girls had lots of fun!!!!

I confess that I want to go to Evansville Day's Saturday night with my partner in crime Amanda!

I confess that I have 2 cakes for tomorrow and have yet to start on them...its gonna be a long night!

I confess that on Monday I start working out with Darla...I think its what I need! I need someone to kick my ASS!!!

I confess that seeing all of these babies being born I want to scrapbook them...even though they are not mine...but I just loved doing Loreli's baby book! (If you want Mom's...I will make you something super cute if you give me the joke I love making picture things for people!) Weird I know!

I confess that this just put a smile on my face this morning and I have been a happy camper all day because of it!
Sorry its alittle dark...but what can I say I just love my baby girl!
Hope everyone has a good weekend!

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