May 11, 2011

Why is baby weight such a killer?

So as you all know...I had my daughter over a year ago and I am still struggling to lose my baby weight. I have tried and tried but it just doesn't seem to want to come off. I have done many exercise classes, I work out at lunch and I try to eat good. I have lost 10lbs since I started working at it but I am just not feeling it! I want to lose it but it is really hard to stay motivated. Eli doesn't care if I lose the weight or not....he has told me that is what happens when you have kids.... When we first started talking I was at my skinniest and he tells me that I was too skinny then, bless his heart…Thank God he loves me for me and not my body becasue he would be running faster then lighting...LOL! It's hard not to have the support at home because if he wants to eat badly then I eat badly too! So I feel like it’s a no win for me! So I have put a little weight scale on here so that you all can help keep me motivated. I don't ever tell anyone my weight and I have pretty much just put it out in the open so you will all know and tell me that I need to stay with it, because I do I have never been this big before….well except when I was pregnant. I am gonna try and keep you updated on my activities so that it pushes me to work at this!  So please help me stay motivated so I can get back to my cloths before Loreli......


Crystal L said...

Let me just start by saying that you look amazing! If I am reading your "scale" correctly, it states that you want to weigh 25 lbs when you are finished. I personally think this may be a bit of an "unhealthy" goal. :) Okay enough with the silliness!!
Anyways, I am probably not the best person to help you with this goal since I can't seem to get myself motivated...Good luck!!!

Stacy B said...

I'm not sure how you feel about diet pills but I took phentermine that was perscribed by my doctor. I lost 20lbs of my baby weight... and I still have about 20 to go to be where I was pre-Landon. I've kinda given up though.. like you said.. its not easy.. and I LOVE to eat! Maybe you need a walking partner... or a reward to get where you need to be.. like a vacation once you get there! I know you can do it though!

Jackie said...

Thanks Crystal....but I don't feel like weight is much diffrent! LOL...yeah I don't think that would healthy at!!!

Stacy..thanks I may talk to my doctor. I have a work out partner already and my motivation was to look good in a bridesmaid dress...and it worked before but not this time. Thanks!

Lara said...

This is a great way to motivate yourself! I would love to work out with you, but not

sblind2 said...

Guys just don't get it! You look great....keep up the great work!! If you like to count your calories (I mean who really LIKES to....) but there is free website that I use (when I count) My favorites things about it is that it counts your exercises then adds more calories to your daily limit and that a TON of foods are already in the system!!