Jun 14, 2011

Mommy and Loreli Weekend!

What a great weekend...the weather was just perfect. Eli left Friday afternoon to go jeeping with some friends at Flat and Nasty, he wasn't gonna be back till Sunday so it was just me and Loreli.

Friday Uncle Dustin watch Loreli because Jenny (Loreli's sittter, she is amazing!) was gonna be out of town. I get a picture at work and I have a feeling that Loreli already has him wrapped around her little finger....
Who lets a 14 month old eat on the couch and watch TV....when I got home he was like what she is with Uncle Dustin and can do whatever she wants....O boy! Dustin had to go to work at 1 so Loreli came back to work with me and was a really good girl! That always makes it better! We got home and played outside for awhile till GG got there.

mowing the sidewalk

talking to DeJa 
When Papa and GG got done golfing they came and got Loreli becasue Mommy had to be at work at 7AM and GG didn't want to get up that early so she said she would just take her Friday night. After they left I went to Red Box and go some movies. I got Just go with it, which is really cute and I got The Switch which was good too. It was getting late and I was thinking I need to get to bed but I was not tired and I was missing both of my babies. It was a restless night to say the least!

Saturday I was up bright and early and not gonna lie I was praying for rain....I had to work a little girls softball tourney....and I hate to work them. I had to work 7-4 and I knew it was gonna be a long day,  but I got through it, barly! HA! I got home showered and headed to Mom's to get Loreli. She made supper for us and it was yummy. They had plans that night so back home to soak up some Mommy/Loreli time. I did stop at the Red Box again and got 2 more movies. After I put Loreli down for the night I popped in the first one. Life as we know it....OMG awesome move! I laughed, I cried and made me think! I also got Due Date but I ended up not watching it. After watching that movie I wanted my baby close to me so I took her out of the crib and put her in bed with me...she never sleeps with us because that is one thing we said we would never do...whoops!

Well as you can see this is how she slept....so guess what Momma didn't get any sleep. As much as I loved having her next me, lesson learned leave her in her crib!

Sunday we got up early and just played for awhile and then took alittle nap. Uncle Dustin was gonna watch her for a bit till Eli got home becasue I had a girls day planned. I got them all set with lunch and I was off to meet the girls. It was a great day of crazy fun and much needed!

Loreli loves to sit on the DeJa's bed while I get ready

gotta make sure she has all her hair in place

To the Evansville Winery...

Kim's sister hopped in about half way through!


I love hanging my feet outside of the jeep!

I love this girl!

We started off at the Evansville Winery and I think that I have a new favorite place....we loved it and will be back for sure!!! Then we headed to M & F to get some chicken but they were closed so back to The Office to pick up Michelle (Kim's Sister). We got some food and then hit up the Ruma Mill. Then we decided to slum it a bit and hit Modoc, Rocher and Renualt. Then it was back to The Office. It was a great day with some great friends and like I said before much needed! I was home by 9:30ish talked to Eli for a bit and he didn't seem upset at all that I had been gone all day which is another plus! WHOOP WHOOP! Then to bed becasue Monday was the next day! UGH!

Hope everyone had a great weekend!!!

1 comment:

Cassie said...

Stella squats on the sidewalk and talks to Abbie just like Loreli was doing in that picture. Too cute. lol.