Aug 11, 2011

Operation Bridesmaid Dress- Update

OK so I ordered my dress on Saturday and got a 12...its fits perfectly except for the neck...just needs to be alittle tighter...goal...have to get it altered!

As of Monday...when I was suppose to do this post but didn't have time..

I have lost 3.8lbs and 7.5 inches

I have been eating smaller amounts and still getting full....super excited about that!
I did a skinny wrap!
I have been walking almost every night...even mowed grass one night too!
No soda...all water baby!...I think I pee every 5 minutes!

I have slacked alittle this week because we have not been home so there has been alot of eating out and that is so much I have really buckled down the last 2 days..back at it!

I have not tired Jillan yet...1 because I am scared and 2 well I was thinking walking was gonna do it for thinking after this weekend I am gonna get over it and try her out! I think I need her!

This weekend is gonna be hard with Blogger Bunco and Garten Fest...but I can do it!!!!


Heather said...

How did you like the skinny wrap? And a tip for Jillian...don't stop doing it when you think you are going to die from the pain. It gets a lot easier around day 5.

Sarah said...

7.5 inches?! WTFFF am I doing wrong :(

I need to do my skinny wrap asap! Don't worry about's going to be healthy food!!

Good job!!!!! :)

Jackie said...

Thanks....yep it had to be all skinny wrap....and I just didn't lose it in my tummy I lost it all over which is a plus! I was surprised by that! Yep try it out I love the way it makes my skin feel the next day! Not gonna like its alittle stinky and the plastic wrap is alittle funny to sleep with but its all worth it!